The Art of Being Pretentious

pre·ten·tious/priˈtenCHəs/ Adjective: Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed. I am the type of person who lives my life with no regrets. I am a 22 year-old university student and semi-dependent and do not have that many responsibilities. Furthermore, I am extremely single therefore I am living theContinue reading “The Art of Being Pretentious”

My So-called Life @ almost 21

In three days time I will the big Two-One…exicted..well no this because my birthday is one on a Monday, two I have an essay due and and exam the following day. Do I have the joy of celebrating. No because I will be so stressed. Anyway, I am actually super excted or stoked as someContinue reading “My So-called Life @ almost 21”